Satah Cameron is the ultimate bedroom pop artist of Peterborough/Nogojiwanong. Satah also has an experimental and darker side as well. Performing under the pseudonyms People You Meet Outside of Bars and Piloting The Animal, Satah is one of the most creative musicians to listen to in our city. Like most of us in this dark age, the past few years have presented many challenges for Satah. It is especially difficult for a solo artist. However, we both agree that nothing can soothe your discomforts more than a kitty-cat, or almost nothing. We discuss how they still believe in love and is a person of big feeling, how the piano as an instrument is the “home”, how the ukelele is ideal for solo pieces, thoughts on social media, how they felt working on Naomi Duvall’s “Dark Eyes” in 2021 as a puppet play, goth identity and how they admire Robert Smith(The Cure) and the past musical alias of Duckies Are Your Best Friend. Musical pieces include: People You Meet Outside of Bars-“Indoor Kids”, Piloting The Animal-“I’ve been Thinking abt going off my medication unsupervised”, People You Meet Outside of Bars-“Sleep Alone”, Piloting The Animal-“My Ruling Emotion is Fear”, People You Meet Outside of Bars-“trade” and People You Meet Outside of Bars-“Give Me Back My Senses”.